Pay It Forward

Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County needs YOUR HELP to raise $75,000 for our PAY IT FORWARD HOLIDAY CAMPAIGN in order to impact OVER 1,000 COMMUNITY MEMBERS this holiday season!
We will make an IMPACT by:
- Distributing 200 Toys to community members through Toys for Tots
- Providing 500 members with toys, books, and games
Join us in making this holiday season bright!

Make a financial contribution to our pay-it-forward holiday campaign
You can make a financial contribution HERE.
This allows us to purchase food for our meals and gifts for our gift distribution efforts.
Financial contributions can be made through December 31st

Holiday Gift Drive!
Drop off Board Games, Toys & Books at our drop-off sites.
Gifts need to be new and unwrapped and appropriate for ages infant-18
Shop local at Walgreens! Board games, toys, stuffed animals, flannel pants, ear buds, head phones, makeup kits, and nail kits sold in-store make great gifts! Click HERE to view a list of participating Walgreens stores.
Drop-Off Sites:
9 am – 5 pm
Allied Family Center Boys & Girls Club
4619 Jenewein Road, Fitchburg, WI
The Erica & Anthony Fleming Boys & Girls Club (formerly the Taft Street Club)
2001 Taft St., Madison, WI
McKenzie Family Boys & Girls Club
232 Windsor St., Sun Prairie, WI
The McKenzie Regional Workforce Center
5215 Verona Rd., Fitchburg, WI
Drop-offs can be made
at BGCDC sites through December 16th. Walgreens drop-offs must be made by December 15th.
We need over 200 volunteers to help make this season bright! We have many great opportunities this season, so click the button below to sign up to volunteer! If your company is interested in volunteering as a group, please contact Thutop Wangchuk at